Missions  at HOME and ABROAD

At Element Church, we believe in the transformative power of the Gospel and its capacity to change lives both locally and globally.
With a steadfast commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission, we have dedicated  20% of our yearly budget to expanding the Kingdom of God through a multifaceted approach to missions.

Mission starts @ HOME

If we're not willing to make Jesus famous in our town, then we're not ready to make Him famous across the sea!
Mission begins here! We strive to connect and give to ministries and organizations that are sharing the Gospel, serving the community, and willing to give us some skin in the game and get our hands dirty!
From food shelves, Community OUTs, church planting, our local schools, and more...we are here to make Jesus known and to see our communities thrive.

Take some time and click the links below to join us as we contribute to the gospel reach in the Northwoods!

Missions at HOME

Hayward, WI
New Life Resource Center is a pregnancy AND family center. We often begin with pregnancy and provide  medical and mentoring support during that time- but then we walk with families as long as we are needed!  New Life supports families through a strength-based approach and reaches into the community to support the needs of the whole family-  couples, single parents, kiddos, and all caregivers.  
All families go through challenging times.  New Life Resource Center was created to stand in the gap for local families in need of support. All services are provided free of charge to all families in our area.
As a Converge Great Lakes church, our desire is to see more churches planted in the Wisconsin and UP areas. Element Church has financially assisted church planters in the years past and hope that we [EC] can someday plant a church in the Northwoods of rural Wisconsin.  Until then, we will do our best to help with church planting through our denomination in hope to expand the reach of the gospel to large and small places.  You can help by contributing to the NORTH Lead Team fund on the CGL site.

Northwoods Community Food Pantry

Hayward, WI
Northwoods Community Food Pantry general program is open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 3pm, unless otherwise posted on Facebook. We are not  government funded.  We operate strictly through donations and volunteer workers.
We allow anyone that needs food to come to the pantry. Financial donations are accepted including cash and checks. Checks can be made out to
 Spider Lake Church P.O. Box 695, Hayward WI 54843. Attn: Food Pantry

Hayward, WI
Greater Hayward House of Hope is a rehabilitation ministry that helps men overcome life controlling addiction issues. 
As part of the curriculum, men gain valuable trade skills to bring into the workforce post graduation. They learn how to build garden sheds, corn hole sets, decorative wood crosses, and more.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19


While we prioritize local missions, we also recognize the importance of reaching those across the ocean. Our global mission initiatives support missionaries and ministries that share the Gospel in various countries and cultures. 

Below are some of our approved missionaries and ministries that we give to as a church.  
If you would like to contribute to their efforts to evangelize the world, click on their picture or support link and give now!

Lana Vasquez

Founder of Life Impact International
Life Impact has grown from a desire in a young girl’s heart to reach and rescue others with the power and love of Jesus Christ to an international organization that has been effectively fighting to save children for the last 20 years.  I have been relentlessly working to make a difference in the lives of trafficked, exploited, and at-risk children in Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), the war zones in between, and more recently in Brazil.
[Give to Life Impact International]

Killyn Kanters

Serving  Romania through Josiah Venture
In 2019, Killyn became a Josiah Venture intern in the country of Romania. While serving in that country for three months, she fell in love with the culture, people, and language. In the last month of her internship, she felt the Lord telling her that she was going to be called back to Romania as a full-time missionary.  Killyn has been there serving the people of Romania full time since 2022.
 [Support Killyn Here]

Tyler and Aleah Mann

Serving  the UK through Converge International + AT3
The Mann family are devoted followers of Christ who seek to live for His glory, by His grace. They are  currently serving in the UK through the organizations Converge and Alliance for Transatlantic Theological Training (AT3). They are excited to share the gospel with unreached people, and they are so excited for you to join them!
[Support the Mann Family here]

Szabi and Maggie Bella

Serving  Hungary through Josiah Venture
Currently, Szabi and Maggie are living in Győr, leading the same youth group where Szabi came to Christ. They are in the process of joining Josiah Venture full-time, and are eagerly anticipating doing so by spring 2025.
[Support Szabi and Maggie Bella here]