How it all started....
It all started with a hunger and vision to reach those who were falling through the cracks in our community. Our pastor would resign full time ministry, go back to construction, and begin to build relationships with those far from God. It all started with a kitchen table, one family, and the gospel of John. There would soon be nearly 30 adults+20 kids in one house...learning how to follow Jesus.
It all started with a church plant, in a rural community, doing everything short of sin to reach ONE. MORE. PERSON for Jesus. We'd soon pack our a Senior Center, Charter School, and outdoor pavilion. It all started with a vision and hunger to MAKE JESUS FAMOUS and do things we've never done, in order to reach people we've never reached.
It all started with a church plant, in a rural community, doing everything short of sin to reach ONE. MORE. PERSON for Jesus. We'd soon pack our a Senior Center, Charter School, and outdoor pavilion. It all started with a vision and hunger to MAKE JESUS FAMOUS and do things we've never done, in order to reach people we've never reached.

Expanding the vision...
As of June 2020,, we have decided as a faith-family to purchase land and begin the construction of a ministry center. This endeavor will not only help us reach the 8,000+ people in our county that don't associate with a church, but it will also serve as a place to worship, give our students a place to grow, provide a place for the hurting and hopeless to come and find help!
We've been mobile for nearly's time to plant our roots in the community we love and serve!
We've been mobile for nearly's time to plant our roots in the community we love and serve!
Where we are headed...
Our vision isn't to pack a building or auditorium...but to PACK OUT HEAVEN! We are driven to continue to innovate different ways to get the gospel to our community and to ensure that the generations to come are presented with the gospel in a way they can understand. There are nearly 8,000 people in our county that don't affiliate with any church....we hope to reach them ALL!
We are dedicated to LOVING GOD, LOVING PEOPLE, & MAKING DISCIPLES! This means that we will continue to help people take their FIRST STEPS towards Jesus and their NEXT STEPS in discipleship.
We are dedicated to LOVING GOD, LOVING PEOPLE, & MAKING DISCIPLES! This means that we will continue to help people take their FIRST STEPS towards Jesus and their NEXT STEPS in discipleship.